Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

Tugas Analytical exposition text

1.Analytical exposition text
a. Definition of Analytical exposition text :
 Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
b. Purpose of Analytical exposition text :
Purpose or social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter
c. Generic structure of Analytical exposition text :
#Thesis : Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position.
#Argument 1 : Explaining the argument to support the writer’s position.
#Argument 2 : Explaining the other arguments support the writer’s position.
#Reiteration : Restating the writer’s position.
d.Language features of Analytical exposition :
@ Using relational process
@Using internal conjunction
@Using causal conjunction.
@Using simple present tense.
2. Vocabulary
a. Crossbreed = Keturunan campuran/hasil perkawinan silang.
b. Agricultural = Berkaitan dengan pertanian.
c. Horticulture = Seni bercocok tanam sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, atau tanaman hias
d. Agronomy = Cabang ilmu pertanian yg berkenaan dengan teori dan praktik produksi tanaman dan pengelolaan tanah secara ilmiah.
e. Overlap= Melengkapi
f. Pomology= Ilmu tentang buah-buahan.
g. Olericulture= Ilmu tentang sayuran
h. Floriculture= Ilmu tentang bunga,tanaman herbal,dan tanaman rumah.
i. Ferns= Pakis
j. Bushes= Semak-semak
k. Primary = Primer/pokok
l. Intakes = Masukan
m. Horticulturalist = Ahli Holtikultura
n. Cross-breeding = Pengawinan silang pada ternak
o. Entomologists = Ahli Entomogi
p. Pests = Hama
q. Spread = Penyebaran
r. Artificial = Tiruan
3. Exercise A.
            1. What is the text mainly about?
Answer: About Horticulture. Horticulture is the science and art of cultivating garden plants: fruits,vegetables,flowers,ornamental plants,and bushes.
            2. How does the writer organize the text?
Answer: The writer does organize the text with four generic structure, there are thesis, argument 1, argument 2,and reiteration.
3. Give a definition of horticulture!
Answer: Horticulture is the science or art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental
            4. What will happen if we crossbreed a red rose and a white rose?
Answer: Theoretically,we will get one red rose,two pink roses,and one white rose.Sometimes,we
              will get three reds and one white.
            5. Find the word entomologist in your dictionary. What does it mean?
Answer: An entomologist is someone who takes an interest in insects, and studies them.
            6. Can you mention examples of agrotourism in your place?
Answer:I can not mention examples of agorotourism in my place. Because in my place doesn’t has agrotourism.
            7. Does the writer sound descriptive,argumentative,or critical?
Answer: The writer does sound argumentative.
            8. Provide a good  title for the text!
Harm                Pest                  Trap
Deal                 Overlap           
Ornamental      Profit
Nutrients          Superior           Unique

Answer: Holticulture, The Science and Art of Cultivating Garden Plants
4. Exercise B.

1.We must buy … quality fertilizers so that the plants can grow very well.
=> We must buy superior quality fertilizers so that the plants can grow very well.
2.The environmental organizations … with the control of various types of pollutants.
=> The environmental organizations deal with the control of various types of pollutants.
3. … flowers and ribbons are used to decorate the room for the party.
=>Ornamental flowers and ribbons are used to decorate the room for the party.
4.There is an … between biology and chemistry in the use of chemical materials for seed budding.
=>.There is an overlap between biology and chemistry in the use of chemical materials for seed budding.
5. A … characteristic of the show is that all roles are played by male dancers.
=> A unique characteristic of the show is that all roles are played by male dancers.
6. Nowadays,the most troublesome … in the crop fields are mice.
=> Nowadays,the most troublesome pest in the crop fields are mice.
7. Many people are not aware that home-cooked food has better … than fast food.
=> Many people are not aware that home-cooked food has better profit than fast food.
8. Use of too much pesticide can … the ecology of the forest and its habitats.
=> Use of too much pesticide can harm the ecology of the forest and its habitats.
9. Some farmers make a big … by opening an agrotourism area in their  fruit garden or field.
=> Some farmers make a big nutrients by opening an agrotourism area in their  fruit garden or field.
10. We have at home a wire box with an apparatus to … mice into it.
=> We have at home a wire box with an apparatus to trap mice into it.
5. Exercise C
1)Agronomy                                                    a.cultivation of garden plant
2)Entomology                                         of species
3)Embryology                                                  c.insects
4)Floriculture                                                   d.cultivation of field plants
5)Genealogy                                                    e.fruits and nuts
6)Horticulture                                                 f.leaves
7)Oleri culture                                                 g.grapes
8)Physiologi                                                     h.seed budding and young plants
10)Viticulture                                                  j.grows of things

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